
GERM on ZOOM (Dec 23, 2020)

The Golden Era Recorded Music Project continues tonight on Zoom! Tonight we will hear HOLDAY MUSIC FROM AROUND THE WORLD, Sergio Franchi to the Swiss Alps!


This Season's Celebrations are typically Christian and centered on the traditional tale of the birth of JESUS. But in a larger global context, it is a sacred time of the calendar without the virgin birth; peace, good will, reflection, letting go of strife and enmity are all themes that the music of this time expresses.


We will hear a traditional piece for orchestra, the HANSEL & GRETEL OVERTURE by HUMPERDINCK and around it a pleasing potpourri of HOLIDAY TUNES from Pop, Rock and Jazz sources.


And G. F. HAENDEL will tell us how much we like sheep.




We send out a link for the Zoom meeting every Wednesday by email! Please contact us and let us know if you'd like to be added to the mailing list.


See you all at 7 pm TONIGHT!

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