
GOLDEN ERA RECORDED MUSIC PROJECT (Feb 19, 2020): The Vanished Songs of Cowboys

The GOLDEN ERA RECORDED MUSIC project continues tonight (Wednesday, Feb 12) from 7 to 8 pm at the LISTENING PLACE, 21 THOMSON AVENUE, GF. We will be hearing the VANISHED SONGS OF THE COWBOYS. These ballads of homesickness and lost love emerged on the Western prairies of Texas, Oklahoma and Nebraska in the late 19th century and, with the invention of radio broadcasting in 1919, filled the after-dinner living rooms of America from coast to coast. The years of the Depression created a fertile culture for a veritable flood of these sad songs, contrasted now and then with a gunslinger's tale or the saga of a stampeding cattle drive. The SONS OF THE PIONEERS (with ROY ROGERS first songs!) began in 1933, and continued (with new members) until 1988! We will hear from the last incarnation of this group.


The NORMAN LUBOFF CHOIR will be heard in a stunning 1960's rewriting of many of the OLD SONGS, and we will close with a surprising flourish.  .  .  .  the gruesome ballads of BILLY WALKER cross-fertilized with FRANZ LeHAR'S VIENNA! No kidding!


Only in the AMERICA of the GOLDEN ERA could such music happen, and you can hear it tonight!


Coffee, cocoa and comestibles of the sweeter variety will be served.

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