
GERM on ZOOM (Nov 11, 2020)


The Golden Era Recorded Music project continues tonight with music for comfort in tough times (thanks to Steve Matte).


We will start with the ON-SITE RECORDING of RITUAL MUSIC from GHANA (ca 1960).


A trio of reflective and comforting songs from the AMERICAN POPULAR SONG BOOK by Glen Campbell, Linda Ronstadt and Frank Sinatra will lead to...


The closing pages of GUSTAV MAHLER'S TENTH SYMPHONY in the final Deryck Cooke completion of this unfinished score. This tops everything the MASTER OF THE HEART WRENCHER wrote.


AND to draw the curtain we will hear GEORGE SZELL conducting MOZART'S finale to SYMPHONY 41, “THE JUPITER.”


I can think of no other music that can do better at restoring our FAITH IN THE HUMAN SPECIES!


We send out a link for the Zoom meeting every Wednesday by email! Please contact us and let us know if you'd like to be added to the mailing list.


See you all at 7 pm TONIGHT!

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